Sunday, September 14, 2008

AH, i've been wanting to hit the weights at the gym for the last 3 months, but never once made an attempt to go, no money, tired, hungry, homework, all sort of shit excuses. haha.

So i finally hit the gym today. Witnessed the usual ugly scene of a bunch of sleeveless fat guys doing bench presses and pull ups, to show off their hairy ugly underarms. These guys really need to shave. jeez, unsightly creatures.

Anyway, had a great workout. First set of shoulder workouts in a long time, and the usual chest and ab workouts. OH, and im officially removing all muscle isolation exercises from my workout routine. Isolation exercises gives you that improportionate muscle - body look, yucks.

Today, i've found new motivation!! Promos are coming, and i'm gona own it. i mean, how am i supposed to become a surgeon when i cant even survive my promos right? haha. Maths, Chem, Geog, just bring it, i'm taking them on now. >:). 10 years down the road, i'll be operating on you.

LASTLY, too bad i missed the arsenal - blackburn match yesterday. but hey, ITS 4-0 BITCHES ! YEAH. gogo gunners, and thank you liverpool for destroying Man U. =D

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