Thursday, November 6, 2008


This post is heavy on character talk.

Had street soccer today, and it surely reignited my appreciation for the beautiful game.
Joga bonito ! Play beautiful !
Soccer is really a game about teamwork, trust and sportsmanship. So many other things in life are about these exact same values. Sometimes, the way people play soccer tells you alot about his/her character too.

This leads me to my next point really.
The ability to think calmly and make good decisions under pressure, is something I've been subjected to alot recently. And its been taking alot out of me recently.

Alright enough moral talk. I've been feeling really motivated with physical conditioning recently! I've been switching between cardio exercises and resistance exercises these few days. Most importantly, my nutrition. I've switched to having small meals throughout the day, instead of 3 big meals. This style of nutrition helps me for a variety of reasons i wont explain here, cause it'll be boring to read a bio lecture on my blog wouldn't it? LOL.

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