Monday, January 5, 2009

I've always wanted to know ..

... how far school really is from home. So with all my legs in my shorts, i jogged the distance this evening. I reached school after a breezey 25minutes jog from home. But i reckon could have been much faster, cause i had to stop for and wait for those spoiler traffic lights to go greenman. I hate traffic lights solely because it makes me look dumb, jogging on the spot in the middle of a traffic junction with loadfull eyes on buses staring at you.

Anyway, I guess i could cycle to school in future if a new bike miraculously and magically drops infront of my doorstep later this year. *HINTS* lol.

I felt a familiar soreness down my throat as i made my U-turn at JJC, heading towards Jurong Point. A sense of dehydration had hit me, and i found myself moving my tongue around to swallow some saliva to ease the soreness. Thanks to that, the next 15 minutes got better, and more enjoyable. I had intended to extend my jog route from jurong point, further down to arena.

But by the time i hit Pioneer MRT station (its the extension line, down from Boonlay MRT), i was getting lazy. Pschologically. Homework, tkd admin, LEFT 4 DEAD! these unholy thoughts cramped up my mind. I broke my running spree after approx. 1hour and 4minutes to get my much anticipated cold 100+ bottle - its a life saver.

I walked toward the stadium to hit the rusty pull up bar. Or rather, to work out my rusty pull ups. Did a random 2 rounds at the stadium, and walked home.

Time check - 1 hour 21 minutes

I'll just keep waiting.

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