Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I seriously need to start some training if i'm gona even survive the adidas sundown at all. soooooooo lately i've been busy planning a jog route from my house, to cck .

The route mainly follows the path bus 172 takes:
It passes some graveyards, then to tengah airbase, a longgggggg stretch of greenery, and finally a heartland twist all the way to Palm Gardens (its a condo along cck LRT line). Maybe i could stop by simon's house to swim or go to the suana :x

I'll run it next week if I'm recovered from my stupid semi fever - flu sickness. And i'm gona bring my ez link card in case i cant make it there. HAHA, cause it seems like an insanely tough route. But we'll never know how tough until we try isnt it?

Till then,

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