Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What puzzles me, is how a foot deep puddle of water can exist, on a dead hot day such as today.

I sunk one foot, ankle length, into a puddle of water when i tried to cut the pavement through some bushes, and that pissed me off. How the fuck can a puddle of water exist on a day which has made my home into a furnace? Thanks to that, i lost my pacing halfway (3km?) of a 8km run i was doing today, and i walked the entire distance home, with one shoe filled with water like a sponge. was lucky not to get blisters. -_-.

I've been struggling to stay focused recently, and i cant stress the importance of this holiday as a closed door mugging period for me. Apparently, my conscious doesn't feel that way. I'm addicted to FIFA 09 (shit.) and i've gotta BREAK LOSE! argh !3@!$#@


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