Saturday, May 15, 2010

Who i really am.


Tough times let you know who you really are. It shows you first hand where your mental and physical limits are, how weak or how strong you are. It shows you what your true character is like. It tells you where your strengths lie, what your weaknesses are. It measures the amount of mental steel in your mind, and tests your motivation and determination to the very core of your soul.

Unless you've been through hell and back, there are some lessons you just can't learn.

Aside from all the jokes and crap that I spill off from my mouth, I, am a very quiet person actually. If you've seen me 100% focused on my training , in running, or tkd, you'd notice that. When I'm stressed, in training or whatever leadership position, I'm quiet because I'm in a world of my own. I shut off everything irrelevant, and try to stay 150 % focused on the situation at hand before I respawn myself in reality. There, a glimpse of the true me.

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