Saturday, July 10, 2010


This week's been a jammed pack busy week. Here's a preview of what my routine is like.

Waking up. Getting up from bed is a bitch when you've only slept for 4 hours, and you're still feeling sore and tired from carrying load and running and doing PT. You can't help but be pissed off as you lift your head off the pillow. This is the part of the day where my buddy can ask me : " got toothpaste?" , and I may actually reply : " fuck you .. shut the fuck up -.- ". But we all understand that everybody's just too fucking tired.

2100 - 2230
End of one day of lessons. Of course, after 2230, you're busy doing you're homework for the next day. Packing your bags, studying for a theory test, polishing your boots, doing your laundry.

Lights out. Sleep feeling like a bitch.

To be at home sleeping till the sun rises, its a real luxury that I've really come to appreciate on my precious weekends.

Anyway. I've been struggling with an injury to my lower back recently. I've got very limited range of motion (twisting and turning, bending forward and backward) around my core muscles. Got my xray results today, lucky for me, Doc says my injury is probably a muscle problem and nothing to do with slipped discs or spinal collapse or any shit like that.

Over the next few weeks, I'll be doing alot of stretching whenever i get the chance. And with a little miracle, maybe my condition will improve. We'll see in the coming weeks.

Till then, i'll be
Fighting with a broken body!

where I'm at, this quote is speaks it all.

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