Saturday, July 24, 2010


This week's one of the most shag weeks I've had in camp. On Monday we got the shit hammered out of our asses, because alot of us fell asleep during a lecture by a guest speaker.

8km fast march
Then we did a 8km fast march on Tuesday, which was really just totally mind blasting. I nearly died from that one. around 25kg of weight on your shoulders, and on top of that, a fucking machine gun - Holy Cow. And not only that, we were practically JOGGING the 8km, cause the pace was 1km every 10 minutes. SHITT~

8km conditioning run

Then we did a 8km conditioning run on Friday, which honestly, wasn't that hard (comparing to the 8km jog with 25kilos on your back, yeah, this is alot better). But, by friday we're all feeling a little bit of the shaggness kicking in, and our bodies were feeling a little bit fatigued and our gears a little bit rusty. So, yeah it was quite a challenge in its own.

Overall, this week is the most jam pack physically tiring week I've had so far. And it's taught me many things.

This week I learnt that there's strength in unity. Unity as a class, as a group, as a clique. There were so many times when I felt that I couldn't take the pain anymore. But on every occasion without fail, my buddies would be there to help me though the challenge. And when my buddies needed help, I would be there to give him my encouragement too.

During the 8km road march we had on Tuesday, I was quite doubtful that I'd even complete it, given my back injury. By the 2km mark my back was starting to give way and i could feel a little bolt of pain going down from my back, to my legs. My buddy (Ivan) carried my field pack (25kg) for me for the next 2km !! THATS MY 25KG , ON TOP OF HIS 25KG, AND HIS MACHINE GUN , JOGGING FOR 2KM !! It was then when i realized that I'm not alone on the stage, that my buddies would be there for me, and it really touched me at that point.

When I'm doing some hellish long run, sometimes it gets the wind knocked right out of your my lungs, and I'm so dam shag, i feel like giving up. But i look to my left and to my right, i see my buddies going through the same hell as me, sharing the same pain as me, and they're not giving up, I find my motivation and i take another step forward. Yes, i find strength in unity :) !

Next week won't be any easier either. Next week is the final week of our land phase, so .. we're expecting a tough week next week. From then on, it'll be waterborne :) !! Boat PT , dives , timed sea swims, sea circuits (obstacle course) .. etc etc.

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