Friday, August 28, 2009

"Quit? You know, when I was thinking about quitting when I was diagnosed with brain, lung, and testicula cancer all at the same time, but with the love and support of my friends and family, I got back on the bike and won the Tour de France tive times in a row. But I'm sure you have a good reason to quit.

Lance Armstrong

Pain is temporary, quitting is forever

Friday, August 14, 2009

Something's freaking wrong with the blogger home page. I wonder if its just me -_-.

Last year i heard of someone who scored a -U- grade for math prelims, and i thought "thats fucked up". I find myself in the same situation now. I may be fucked up already, I dont know :(. I'll just try my best.

Tomorrow's carbo-loading day in preparation for Sunday morning's 21km, my 3rd and last race of the year (Decided to drop the idea of standard chartered 42km due to alvls:| ). Which means, tomorrow I get to indulge and eat all the rice and bread I want, and not feel guilty about it :). Sunday's race is terrifying, gotta say. I've only been training like, once a week (6km) in preparation for this race (dont blame me, I've got prelims on monday people), so my target is simply to finish the race in 1 piece without any cramps, blisters or abrations, so i can sit for my prelims the next day alive :|

Heres an ancient video i found of myself, jackassifying :D. Btw, the weird sound was me doing it with my whistling (sucking air in, not blowing out) i dont know what u call that sound. lol.

I did that action out of the blue for no reason, and walked off. totally random LOL.