Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mileage: 13.818km / 8.586 miles
Time : Approx 1hour 30 minutes

Race day draws nearer everyday, yet everyday i feel more and more unprepared for the ordeal. I should be tapering by now, but i find myself increasing my distance because i feel unconditioned enough. I whizzed through a notorious course of ups and downs in NTU, and then made a tiring trip down pass Arena country club and back. Total mileage? A tiring 13.818km. I could feel my legs weighing an additional 100kgs by the end of the run, and i still have no idea how I'd survive 42.195km. God bless me -_-.

Cher (identity hidden) gave me a good wake up call the other day. "i'll write some nasty comments in your report if you dont wake up ur idea". Well, I've been struggling to strike a balance between taekwondo training, running, and studying. They're all so important, i cant afford to drop any of those in my schedule! I've got Biology SPA and Maths quiz next week, a Geography test the week after and god knows what other shit.

And finally, in the last week of may, I've got the inter school taekwondo pattern tournament, 15km run ( Singapore passion run ), 42.195km ( Adidas Sundown Marathon ). That's one tournament, and 57km in a single week!!

Give me a break, its not like i can just go for these events w/o training. I've got to do taekwondo training 3-2 times a week, and mileage training 3 times a week to prepare and condition properly for these events. How am i supposed to give a good shit to my studies? I mean, for fucks sake, I'm trying, and getting a wake up call like that certainly ain't helping. I'm well awake alright.

20 more days to RACE DAY!
Take a look at the race map!

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