Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy new year (again) !

Happy Chinese New Year ! HUATTTTTTTT AH.

Anyway, I'm writing this post because I Thought I'd share this little thought that's been itching at the back of my head for some time now.

Have you ever looked back at a moment in your life, in your youth when you had no responsibilities, just spread your wings after school and do whatever you want. Or back to the times where you'd just lie on the sofa waiting for your mother to bring breakfast to you. Or the times when the adult asks you "what do you wanna be next time?" and you tell them something audacious like an astronaut or a billionaire (maybe) ? Well just this afternoon when I visited my younger cousin's house, I had such a thought.

I'm turning 20 this year, and my sis, mid 20-ish (not nice to reveal her age right ! lol). Time flies, it seemed like yesterday when my mother was giving me 4 bucks a day pocket money for school. And when I raise my head and look forward, I think about all the things thats going to change in the next 5 years.

  • I'm going to have to become financially independent.
  • I'm going to need a game plan (yeah, my draft for making my next million dollars ain't gonna write itself out)
  • I'm going to need to support my mother *like every other filial son*
  • I'm going to need to invest in myself - I'm my greatest asset. I need skills, a second language, a sport at the professional level, entrepreneurship skills, buisness skills, IT skills - I'VE GOT NONE LOL !
  • I'm going to need to think about what I wanna spend the rest of my life doing. (A Job)
God dam it's a tough world out there, and if I could, I wanna just reverse time and go back to living a life with no responsibilities, no worries, just living it day by day. But that's not going to happen. And this year, I'll be thinking about my future all year round.

Well thank god I'll have until 27Feb 2012 to come up with my rescue package. But for now, its just a long and slow wait till I .. ORD. :)

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