Sunday, January 17, 2010

I think i totally fucked up for grading today. Whats the point of being good or practicing so hard, when you cant show it to the person who needs to see it most (the examiner) huh?

Anyway. I skipped my workout today to eat chili crab w my sister. Probably one of the worst ever. Waited 1 whole F***ing hour for the stupid crab to arrive. And it didn't even taste good. Plus, the store owner got some kind of attitude problem. And while eating, some cleaner was standing behind me cursing and swearing at how shitty her job is.

I'm having a bad day today.

This week was a tough week. I'll let the statistics explain why.
Calories burned : 2750 kcal
Training duration : 5 hours 8 minutes. (as recorded by my new watch :D)

Of course this is the first complete week of training I've had with my new polar watch :D, and i gotta say. its one of the most freaking annoying things (in a good way ironically) I've bought. Limme explain how it works. It uses my profile (weight, height, age, average physical activity, heart rate .. etc ) to set training targets for me to achieve every week.

So to put simply, my target training duration I've got to hit this week, is 6hours! Freaking 6 hours! I've been working my ass off all week at the gym and running, and I've only barely managed to hit 5 hours of training (not counting 3 sessions 3 hour taekwondo of course). I feel tremendously overworked having to go workout everyday without fail, like my body hasn't even had time to recover, and the next moment I'm out running for another hour.

But its a good thing. Keeps me busy and legs in my shorts out in the sun. :)

Counting the calories i burned from taekwondo included, i think i probably burned over 3000 kcal this week. what a tough week. :)

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