Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hello blog. I haven't paid much attention to my blog for the past month because I've been busy busy busy. Well, not really. Just Last week I was strolling Ueno Park admiring the majestic views of the cherry blossom trees in full bloom. It was 12 degrees Celsius and the air was thin and cool. Now, I'm miserable and I'm sitting here in 28 degrees hot humid Singapore.


Anyway, I'm reaching a big milestone in my life in exactly 2 weeks time. Yes, you guessed it, I'm going into the army xD. On 28th April I'm closing the chapter on childhood (youth is a transition) and opening the doors of adulthood (aiya they say army makes you a man and all that shit .. blah blah, you get what i mean.) Frankly speaking I'm hyped up and excited, in fact, I cant wait to enlist. I'm done waiting. I've waited for 4 months already. I mean, how many times in your life do you get to go diving for free xD. They call divers Frogmen in the navy. On 28th April I become a tadpole man, by the end of 2010, I become almighty FROGMAN. (if i dont drop out of the dive school that is.)

This is January.
12 years ago, she showed up at my doorstep on the 14th floor.
I dont know how she got there
Maybe fate put her there for my family
I've watched her
eat and sleep, grow and play, bite me and bite strangers, pee and poop
she was there for me when I was down and out, sad and lost
but now I'm watching her bump into chairs and walls
I'm watching her sleep 22 hours a day
I'm watching her health deteriorate
I'm watching her cough in the middle of the night
I'm watching her age.
can you imagine how it feels to watch something
move further away from you every passing day? when its just beside you?

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