Friday, April 16, 2010



Today I did an interval run. For all you folks who don't know what an interval run is, its basically pushing yourself to your limits, sustaining for as long as you can, then rest, and repeat the process 3 or 4 times. In other words, its a very tiring -SPRINT-WALK-SPRINT- type of thing. I read articles that this type of training helps improve your 2.4km timing (aerobic fitness) because it helps ur heart to get used to higher intensities when you run at a faster pace.

(If you look at the graph, my heartrate sky rockets each time i start my sprint, and then drops during the intervals.)

Honestly, I'm desperate to try anything that will help shave even Milli seconds off my 2.4km timing in the next 12 days. So today I pushed myself at 150 % effort and 200% focus into my run today. The after effect? Even 20 minutes after i stopped running, I'm literally still DRIPPING sweat from my eyebrows, chin and finger tips. Prolly because of the fact that i was running at around 180 - 189 beats per minute (number of heartbeats per min , measured w my watch xD) , which translates to -

A) either you're on the verge of fainting, or

B) you're terribly out of breath and your body is urging you to stop the torture.

When I say my 2.4km timing SUCKS BALLS, its one of the things in I'm dead serious about. Alot of peeps give me the "ah who you trying to kid, you done 42km and you cant run 2.4km?". But in reality this is seriously not the case at all. Yes I've done some really bad ass tiring races like that stretch for 42km or 21km, but thing is, in a 42km race, you're going for sustainability. What you try to do, is run at a comfortable pace, and try and sustain that pace for as long as you can, so if you want a better timing, you've just got to train harder before the race to make sure your body can sustain a faster speed at a comfortable pace. However in a 2.4km timing when the clock is ticking against you, say you want to finish in 9 or 10 minutes, then you've got to run at a very fast pace, and to some people ( especially me ), that kind of pace is neither comfortable, nor sustainable. SO F**K 2.4KM.

So, if you've got a routine that improved your 2.4km timing, please share it with me on MSN .. XD.

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