Sunday, April 18, 2010

bad habit, bad day, bad injury

Saturday 17th April 2010.

I knew it. I just felt it coming, but I carried on anyway. I shouldn't have gone for taekwondo today. I fucked something in my back during training just now. All i did was turning kicks, no back hook no 540 kick, and i still managed to pick up a back injury. (but those were some hard core turning kicks xP). This is one of my bad habits. I cannot bring myself to skip training. I just cant. Even if i have a strain, blisters, sore throat or whatever shit, I must train, because somewhere out there , someone's better than me, and someone's training harder than me.
They say, if you really want something, then make no excuses, go out and get it, that's what i try to do in taekwondo, but sometimes i wonder if I'm over doing myself.Sometimes i wish i could just sit back and take some time off to let my body recover from all the hammering i put it through, but i cant, i really cant bring myself to do it, blame me for being hyper determined and hyper motivated.

this is my bad habit,
this is my bad habit.

Its bad, my back. I cannot sit properly, I cannot stand properly, I can only lie down and hope nothing's torn or broken. I went for acupuncture yesterday, and got 5 needles stuck into my back. The acupuncture-ist (or whatever she's called) then put some cotton or something on the top of each metal needle, and set em on fire. It was a terrifying and electrifying (literally) experience really. The heat from the burning fuel travelled down the metal needle and right into my back, which was really numbing and scary.

After the therapy session which lasted for 45 minutes, with needles on fire on my back, I'm sad to say that I'm still fucked up. Its not that it didnt work. It did (i think), its just, maybe 20 percent less painful than before ( which is still mother - ****ing painful anyway ).

So what does my back injury mean ? It means I'm practically ruled out for the rest of my 11 days of civilian life before going into the army. It means I cannot go running, I cannot go swimming, I cannot go for taekwondo, and I cannot hit the gym in the next 10 days.

Please, I pray that nothing's severely fucked in my lower back. This is probably the worst time to pick up an injury in my back. I can only hope I recover in time before enlisting. Just a few days ago i was thinking about ways to push myself over the limits and cut down my 2.4km timing. Now? now im thinking about how fucked up I'm going to be if i dont recover in 10 days time.

ok, enough of the unfortunate happenings fucking up my life. Heres one for the laughs.

Cock Flavored

Pirate Dog

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